Tuesday, March 24, 2009

To all you meat eaters!

I havent eaten meat in probably 8 or 9 years now. I swore it off as a bet in Greece for a week and never turned back. It was a challenge and Im always up to prove myself capable and being in Greece as a veggie magnified it. But I realized I didnt really care much for it and actually felt better without it. I dont miss it, but I will admit that mom cooking bacon in the morning or bbq smells good, yet not good enough. Through the years people often asked why I gave up meat and I just told my story and said Im fine with out it. Since then Ive learned what you are actually eating and the horror of slaughter houses and Ive come to realize Ive changed my view. Between the funky hormones and pestisides and the ground up carcasus being feed back to the suppose to be naturally grass eating cows, was enough for me to try to regurgitate whatever meat I had eaten in the past. My dad sent me an article this morning in the Washington Post about the ramifications of eating too much. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/23/AR2009032301626.html?referrer=emailarticle
And I have to give him credit because he's been following my program and making progress. People in third world countries eat an average of 3 oz of meat a day and have no heart disease, diabetes, obesity and others. They rely on more grains, whole foods (not processed), fruits and veggies. Not only is the disease a concern but the environmental factor of producing so much meat is huge. Cattle is largest producer of emissions and require a huge amount of water, which in return is also contaminated. I forget the exact statistic, but if everyone would give up meat for a day the results were staggering. So before I go on and on, because I could I want to challenge you to go veggie for a week. Its exactly how I started out and its actually pretty easy. Do it for yourself, for a challenge and for the planet. Thanks for listening....
P.S. Zoe I know where your going tomorrow and its the perfect kick off! :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Calorie Craze

Welcome to my first blog post!!!  So this morning I was watching the Today Show, which I do when able, and they brought on a nutritionist to compare the calories in various foods.  She preceded to choose the bacon bits over the sunflower seeds and the processed meat and the died yellow cheese to the tofu.  The problem I have is that sunflower seeds are full of all sorts of nutrients and great fats and the fried bacon pieces that have been processed to last on the shelf for a year that clog your arteries and everything else get the green light.  Same with chemical filled deli meats and the funky bright yellow cheese.  Now I know tofu doesn't always win in the flavor department but to be shunned for being high in calories next to the alternative is pretty lame.  Am I crazy.....????