Sunday, June 14, 2009


Im starting my marathon training this coming Monday for the Baltimore race in October. I lost the lottery to the NY so it was my second choice. It will be my first full marathon but second time registering. I bombed my last training. For some reason I thought I was going out for the Olympics (small aspiration of mine, Im still looking for a way into 2012) and picked an elite running schedule that landing me in the hospital with IVs. I have an -I can do it all attitude-, which you might think is good but I didn’t respect the race’s integrity. It ain’t easy! I laugh about it now but it was a good lesson to learn for both my body and my periodic loss of sanity (I get a little excited sometimes). As I chose my new training schedule I kept in mind my errors and also know where I need to tweak my foods and hydration. With the strenuous program I was trying to uphold I was sabotaging myself by not adjusting my diet. Your body is a pretty cool machine that knows when something isn’t right and it’ll let you know. Whether it’s cravings, sickness or even pulling depleted nutrients from within itself your body makes arrangements so you can keep on trucking. This is not only reserved for athletes, but your body is also effected emotionally. Stress, relationships and any kind of craziness can put a toll on your body. You might be effected by emotional eating, depression or even not eating at all. What ever your symptom may be your body is telling you something. It’s become unusual to step back and listen to the signals, as our lives just keep getting busier and busier. Whether your an athlete or not, take a step back to listen and see what’s really going down. It’s not normal to live with chronic exhaustion or daily headaches. Like the marathon; life is a long haul and taking the time for readjustments will only make for a smoother journey.