Monday, January 4, 2010

Mass Production

A few weeks ago in Miami a woman I met said something that stuck in my mind, even after two glasses of wine. She said that ‘healing could not be mass produced.’ She went on saying how quality gets compromised and specific needs get overlooked by generalizing for the masses. I couldn’t agree more. But when you think about it mass production in almost any genre lacks quality. You can’t compare the fit and quality of clothing from a boutique to that of sweat shop brands. Neighborhoods of cookie cutter houses pop up in what seems like three days. There is even a mass production of baby making trends thanks to Octo-mom and other shows celebrating their over fertilized ovaries. Mass production is everywhere, but where is the quality? I’m a believer in healing through foods, but it is defeating the purpose when food is tainted with preservatives and chemicals to do mother natures’ job. Fruits and veggies get sprayed to be told when to ripen for the long journey. Most of the stuff sold at grocery stores isn’t really food, its just there to fill the shelves to achieve SUPER market status. Bigger is better…right? Next time you go pick up random packaged items and notice a common ingredient…corn. It probably wont be labeled as corn but somewhere before its processed journey it originated in a corn field. Why corn? Its way too easy and cheap to mass produce and works as a great filler for products. So after you polish off the high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in your cornflakes, chow on the corn chips washed down with the crystalline fructose (corn) in your soda, and finish off the day with a corn fed burger in a bun of HFCS and don’t forget the ketchup with HFCS, also. That’s without dessert! You will have consumed enough corn to feed a small heffer. Which reminds me…cows eat grass not corn! Oh ya, corns cheaper and makes cows fatter quicker. So what does that do to us? Hmmmm…. Then there is the antibiotics they get fed because they stand their entire lives sardined in their feces. I hate taking antibiotics from a doctor, think I’m all set with it being in the food. It’s all a full circle. Over producing affects you, your health and the environment. Life flows a lot smoother when it is kept nice and simple, same with food.